If you are from Barcelona, Madrid or nearby, it is best to come to our facilities with your items. Here our team of professionals will negotiate the purchase or deposit price with you. You can also sell handbags online through our contact form.
Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes, Gucci, Celine, Fendi, Carolina Herrera,...
We take into account the condition, year, brand, whether it includes its case, box, original invoice, and compare it with products sold in our sales sources to determine the appraisal. It should be noted that the appraisal for direct purchase will be lower than if the product is obtained on consignment.
We formulate a contract in which you leave us the product for 2 months so that we can sell it. We will have previously agreed on the price for you. Once sold, you will receive an email and you can collect your money or we will transfer it to your account.
Absolutely nothing. The contract is automatically renewed and continues for sale, or you can come and collect it at no additional cost.
There will be a cost of 20% of the sale value to withdraw the item. This is justified by the work of our professionals in publishing, cleaning, displaying, and other tasks.
Yes, we also buy high-end watches such as Rolex, Cartier, Hublot, Breitling, Omega, Panerai,...
If you want to buy, it is not necessary. If you want to sell, you can come whenever you want, but it is recommended to notify us in advance with the items you plan to sell and, if possible, arrange a time to avoid queues and provide you with a better service.
It is recommended that you come to our facilities to negotiate your products, as the appraisal through WhatsApp or online can vary by 30 or 40% because we cannot be exact in the appraisal based on photos. If we collect the product from you and the appraisal has changed significantly, and you no longer want to sell it, there is no problem, we will return it to you at no cost.
We take care of everything. If your product is appraised at more than €180, we will collect it the same day, carry out the verification process, finalize the appraisal, and proceed with the payment.
With a simple click, you can make your payment through bank transfer, or TPV.
The shipping fee is €10. If you are outside of Spain, contact us and we will agree on costs and shipping.
From receiving the payment... If you come to collect it at our facilities, the same day. If it is by courier, usually within 24 hours on business days, but it could take 48 hours. If you urgently need to receive the product on the same day, we can arrange an express delivery, which will have an additional cost for you.
We have trained experts who can accurately verify the items. The items go through 3 verification barriers... the first one is us, the second one is external collaborators, and the third one is the brand's personnel who are exclusively dedicated to this and provide us with their final verdict.
You can contact us by email or WhatsApp, whichever you prefer. We will be happy to answer all your questions.